
Matthews Head

Well, there's nothing like a camping trip with a bunch of friends in one of my favourite places (Fundy National Park) to kick off summer. I have high hopes for this one being one of the best yet! A few months ago I booked an Otentik for some friends and then ended up booking a second, and the experience did not disappoint. 

After a great camping experience, a short sleep, and a morning around the campfire, we headed out to hike Matthews Head. 

I consider Matthews Head a great pre-summer trail, as you get some pretty incredible views along the coast, it's a loop, and it's a perfect length - not too short and not too long (in my opinion). If it's still too cold to swim, breathing in the ocean air is a great alternative.

The first half is downhill, which takes you to the first look out: 

Make sure you don't miss it - you have to go left at a fork. 

The trail has a bit of history attached to it as well. It is named after Tom and Ellen Matthews, who settled there in 1865. The first section of the trail is an old wagon road that brings you to what looks like the foundation of a 19th century homestead. If you keep your eyes peeled, you'll find it semi-hidden in the grass on the right a little bit before the first lookout pictured above. 

About 2/3 of the way, you get a good look at Squaw's Cap and the rugged Fundy coastline. 

The trail also takes you through a few different kinds of forest.

This section is probably my favourite: 

And of course, the second half is mostly uphill and gets a little steep at the end, but all in all, it's not too challenging - about 1 1/2-2 hours. And there's nothing wrong with taking a break at some red chairs! 

How's that for candid? ;) 

How's that for candid? ;) 

So, next time you're in Fundy, check out Matthews Head! 

Moosehorn - Laverty Loop

This is probably one of my top two favourite locations in New Brunswick. It’s usually the first place I bring my friends who are visiting Fundy. I feel like the ratio of hiking to payoff is perfect. :) 

There are lots of ways to do this hike. My sister, friend, and I spent a few days in Fundy and decided this time to start out on the downhill Moosehorn side to avoid the switchbacks on the way out. 

It brings you out to views like this:

Up the trail a little ways, which is a bit of climbing over those otherworldly white rocks, you’ll find this little swimming hole with its own mini cliff to jump from. It can be a little hard to find this particular swimming hole as there are lots of little pools leading up to it (all of which are fun to check out), but keep going until you see something like this: 

Then go for a swim! 

Soak in the view.

And this waterfall.

And slow down and relax.

The adventure continues as you figure out a way to change out of your wet clothes and continue on the hike to Laverty Falls! 

Unfortunately I didn’t time each section, but I would guess the first hike down to the water takes about 45 mins, and this next section about 30. It's pretty scenic as well: 

Laverty Falls is also another popular fresh water swimming spot in Fundy, and a pretty great one if you ask me. Like I said, there are lots of ways to to do this trail - lots of people just hike into the falls and go for a swim and hike back out, cutting your trip almost in half. 

The last section is probably another 45 mins to the end. It is a steady incline - not gonna lie it always feels a little bit like you’re never going to reach the parking lot. :) All a part of the fun. 

And so worth it. 

Try it, if you haven’t! 

Third Vault Falls

Over the past couple of months, I kept seeing pictures of this beautiful waterfall on Instagram and kept being surprised it was Third Vault Falls! I decided I would go back again to see what I missed the last time. I said in my last post that I have a thing for fresh water swimming. I also have a thing for waterfalls, which I guess makes sense. 

I remember doing this hike in Fundy National Park a few years back, and all I remembered was that it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. So I was ready for a pretty good hike, and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't nearly as "bad" as I thought it would be. 


It was about 40 minutes in - downhill. 

And about 50 minutes out - uphill. :)

When you get to the end of the trail you come to a gully-ish section that takes you down to the base of the waterfall. 

I think Kristen found it! 

We were there at the end of June so it was still too cold to swim, but I think you could swim if you wanted to, which, in my opinion, makes any trail worth it. 

We had a picnic beside the waterfall, took some pics and made the trek out. Even though it’s uphill, it wasn’t too bad of a hike and I would say the whole thing took us under 3 hours. 

And of course, it’s always great to end a day with some Fundy Take-Out. Mmmmm 


I thought it would make sense for my first blog post to be in my favourite place - Fundy National Park. This visit re-ignited my love for it too!

I've wanted to try a yurt since they opened in Headquarters a few years back. My stay was everything I had hoped for when I first peeked through the windows back then. Where it was so early in the summer it was great to have the option to play games inside and sleep in a heated space. I will also admit that it was nice to not have to set up a tent after getting back from a good hike. :) 

Who doesn't love bunk beds?! I called the top bunk and the festivities began. I went with a couple of friends and after enjoying some Fundy Take-Out, we laughed our heads off playing Anomia, roasted some 'mallows, ate way too much, and cast lots to see who would be taking me to the bathroom in the middle of the night. 

The yurt can sleep up to 5 people (I'd say 3 comfortably). There's a double mat on the bottom of the bunk beds, a single on the top, and a futon that turns into a double bed. It is heated and has solar powered lights. One thing that I missed as a "glamper" was power for phones, etc. Not sure if I should admit that or not . . . 

With views like this . . .

And breakfast here . . . 

How could you not have an amazing stay?! 

Thanks Lauren, for keeping us nourished. 

Thanks Lauren, for keeping us nourished. 


Book your yurt here.

Tip - if you look at the details of each yurt/Otentik when you book, it will tell you if it's a "scenic" site or not! This was Yurt 2. 


Headquarters only has "community" fire pits. If you're looking for a personal fire pit, you should check out Chignecto. 

The yurts have their own "cookhouse" very close with a wood stove. 

Each yurt has a picnic table, deck, deck chairs, and a charcoal BBQ.